There were beautifulmountain landscapes, snowy woods, old style castles in ruins andgorgeous red colored twilight skies. Yeah, I know that's not really important in the movie, but itreally did help with the overall experience. This was a problem because the whole movie seemed tobase itself on action, rather than story, and the action wasn't evenall that good.ATMOSPHERE: Another good thing about this movie would have to be thescenery. It was like they just kept replaying the same action sceneover and over and just tweaked it a little in order to pass it off as adifferent scene. Butthen, at times, the action began to feel annoying as it got extremelyrepetitive. So it definitely does manage to entertain the action buffs. There was some really fun actionand fight sequences and a nice amount of blood and gore thrown into themix. And I stressMOST of the time, not ALL of the time. So that's a majorissue.ACTION: The action, most the time, was very enjoyable. We really knew nothing of them and as a result,felt unsure whether we should like them or hate them. All the other characters in this film were also veryundeveloped as well. He looked cool, sure, but besides that,he had absolutely nothing going for him and I really didn't care whathappened to him. Marcus, on the other hand, didn'tstrike a cord with me at all. In the original,we had Lucian, who was a well developed bad-guy character and Iactually found myself caring for him. He had a very sinister appearance, especiallywith the devil-like wings, and didn't seem to have any sympathy at allas he brutally disposed of anyone who got in his way. The new vampire leader, Marcus, wasalso pretty damn cool. He was a lot cooler inthis film than in the original. And it was great to see Michael show off his new hybridabilities and kick some booty along the way. We really gotto feel the connection between them and how much they really cared foreach other. But what was slightly developed wastheir romance, which the first film seemed to be lacking. Selene and Michael didn'texactly have any development but that's okay because they weredeveloped enough in the first film. It's all just action and really nothing more.CHARACTERS: The lead characters were good. Honestly, nothing reallyhappens in this movie. But after wewitness these scenes and learn these few minor plot details, the storydevelopment pretty much comes to a dead stop. We find out a little about theCorvinus family and the origins or Marcus, who was the very firstvampire, and his brother, who was the very first Lycan. As it starts off with a war scene in thepast, I found myself really enjoying it. It was highly entertaining but not that good of a movieoverall.STORYLINE: The story in this film was no where near as good ordeveloped as the original. Now does this sequel containall these qualities that made the original so good? Personally, I'dhave to say no, I don't think it did. Oh, and of hadKate Beckinsale in tight leather, hehehe. Ithink it did everything right having a nice Gothic overtone, greatcharacters, an original, intriguing and in-depth plot, fun action andan overall script that never once felt dull. To start off, let me say that I'm a very big fan of the original. My vote iseight.Title (Brazil): 'Anjos da Noite A Evolu圎7 圎3 o' ('Angels of the Night -The Evolution')Note On 28 January 2017, I saw this film again. The viewers like me that enjoyed'Underworld' will certainly like this sequel very much. When Selene and Michael meetTanis, they disclose the truth about their bloodlines, and later withthe support of Alexander Corvinus (Sir Derek Jacobi), Selene faces thepowerful and evil Marcus as the last hope left for the mankind.It is very difficult to see good sequels, but 'Underworld Evolution'gave me the sensation that together with 'Underworld', they are onegood movie split in two parts. When Marcus tries to get the medal possessedby Lucian from the hybrid Michael (Scott Speedman), Selene decides tovisit Andreas Tanis (Steven Mackintosh), the exiled official historianof the covens, to understand his interest. However, Marcus has already awakened and wants to releasehis savage Lycan brother William (Brian Steele), who has beenimprisoned for centuries. Selene (Kate Beckinsale) wishes to expose the truth about the death ofViktor to the first true vampire Marcus (Tony Curran) that ishibernating.